Monday, Apr. 12, 1926
From the ultra-exclusive Carlton Club, London, there emerged one evening last week that arch Tory, Home Secretary Sir William Joynson-Hicks. Suddenly a strident horn squawked, a raucus brakeband squeaked, a diminutive two-seater taxi clattered up to the curb. "Jixie! Jixie, sir?" cried the driver. Scandalized, the Carlton's imperious doorman motioned this hawker of transportation to move on, summoned the Home Secretary's motor. Frigid with annoyance, Sir William Joynson-Hicks rolled away. At least he appeared frigid. He is popularly supposed to resent the nickname "Jix" applied to him by vulgar plebs. He is alleged to resent still more the evolution of "Jix" into "jixie," based upon the fact that as Home Secretary he has been obliged to take the responsibility for granting licenses to London's 500 new two-seater cabs.
Among Sir William's closest intimates, however, there lurks the suspicion that his ready wit is tickled by "Jix" and "jixie."