Monday, Apr. 12, 1926

Missing Vestments

On Good Friday, Archbishop John S. Kedrovsky of the Russian Orthodox Church, warily approached his Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Manhattan. He had been thrown out bodily. With him this time were lawyers, police reserves and a legal writ which, by civil court umpiring, gave him title to his See and Seat, made him chief over more than 1,000,000 Russian Orthodox communicants and some 300 churches. His assumption of his religious duties had been thwarted by three years of bickering with Metropolitan Platon Rojdevensky (TIME, Dec. 7 et ante).

Finally last week he was put in actual possession. He made inventory of Cathedral property, but could not find his vestments needed for Easter services. These had disappeared. So on Easter Sunday Dean A. J. Chechila officiated in his stead.