Monday, Apr. 26, 1926
"Too Old!"
At a stockholders' meeting of the U. S. Steel Corporation in Hoboken, N. J., one E. R. Armstrong, shareholder, arose to bait Judge Elbert H. Gary, veteran Chairman of the Board. Judge Gary's naturally florid countenance blenched somewhat as Mr. Armstrong cried:
"Isn't the United States Steel corporation in danger of being outclassed by other corporations headed by younger men? Isn't it possible that the directing heads of the United States Steel corporation are too old in view of the staid and stolid policies of the management? I mean this of course in the kindest way."
When Judge Gary rose to address the stockholders he warmly defended the directors' policies, added:
"While we are still strong and vigorous today, yet we know that in the natural course of events it will probably soon be time for some of us to say good-bye."
Friends of the Judge chuckled to recall that his age has been kept out of the U.S. "Who's Who." Inquisitive persons who perused that work, last week, were rebuffed by the statement that he was born "on father's farm nr. Wheaton, Ill." son of "Erastus and Susan" Gary.