Monday, May. 03, 1926

The Legislative Week

The Senate--

> Passed a resolution offered by Senator McNary of Oregon asking the Shipping Board not to sell the American-Oriental Mail Line to the "Dollar Line." The resolution had no legal force, but was adopted merely to bring pressure to bear to prevent a sale which was practically consummated. Mr. McNary objected that $4,500,000 was an insufficient price and that the sale of the line to the Dollars would give them a monopoly in the Pacific.

> Approved the Italian War Debt Settlement by vote of 54 to 33, later defeating a motion to reconsider its action. (Bill went to the President.)

> Heard the managers of the House of Representatives formally prefer impeachment charges against Federal Judge George W. English of the Eastern District of Illinois, and summoned the Judge to appear before the Senate.

> Began debate on the Belgian debt settlement, which was ratified after a couple of days' debate by vote of 55 to 20.

The House-Devoted itself to passing a number of minor bills.