Monday, May. 03, 1926

Otto H. Kahn

Otto Hermann Kahn lets himself get into print so much as a patron of art and music that readers tend to forget Kahn the great international banker, member of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.

Well groomed as usual, he last week rose before the Chamber of Commerce of Atlanta, Ga.; spoke:

"Episodes such as those which have marked the course of stock prices and so-called Wall Street sentiment . . . constitute a generally harmful nuisance. They also constitute a reflection on the steadfastness and sobriety of a portion of the community. . . . The only circumstances under which, in a country with the resources, the resiliency and the basic elements of ours, a temporary descent into the cyclone cellar becomes warranted are--leaving aside grave foreign complications-- either manifestations of stark and persistent overproduction or overtrading, the advent of a major credit disturbance, or acute monetary stringency. None of these circumstances exists today or is even remotely likely to occur."