Monday, May. 24, 1926


Engaged. Samuel Insull Jr., able young son of the famed Chicago president of numerous electrical and public utilities corporations; to Miss Adelaide Lyman Pierce of Chicago.

Engaged. Constance Binney, famed musical comedy star and cinema actress; to one C. E. Cotting of Boston.

Married. Edward R. Stettinius, son of the late famed Edward R. Stettinius of J. P. Morgan & Co.; to Miss Virginia Gordon Wallace of Richmond, Va.

Married. Mile. Cecile Sorel, glory of the Comedie Francaise, to Count Guillaume de Segier, sportsman ; near Marseilles.

Married. Leopold Damrosch Mannes, son of David Mannes, grandson of the late famed musician Leopold Damrosch, nephew of famed conductor Walter Damrosch; to Miss Edith Vernon Mann Simonds of East Hampton, L. I. The wedding march was composed by the bridegroom.

Died. Henry Fleetwood Albright, 58, a director of the Western Electric Co., to which post he rose from that of office boy; in Manhattan.

Died. Mrs. Arthur Capper, 59, wife of the famed Kansas Senator and onetime Governor of Kansas, daughter of Samuel J. Crawford (Governor of Kansas 1864-68); at Baltimore, Md.

Died. Carl Hering, 66, famed electrical consulting engineer, onetime President of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers; in a Philadelphia hospital, stricken with heart failure as he reached for a telephone.

Died. Prince Christian Kraft zu Hohenlohe-Oehringen, Duke of Ujest, 79, head of the War-time German espionage service for France, Portugal, Spain and Italy; at his estate in Hungary.

Died. Giacinto Serrati, successor to Mussolini as editor of the Socialist news organ Avanti; of apoplexy, at Onno, Italy.

Died. John T. King, at Bridgeport, Conn. (See p. 9.)

Died. Mohammed VI, Sultan of Turkey 1918-22; at San Remo, Italy, of heart disease. (See p. 15.)