Monday, Jun. 07, 1926

Legislative Week

The Senate--

Passed without discussion or a record vote a bill to prohibit any extraordinary appeals in the trials of Albert B. Fall, Harry Sinclair, E. L. Doheny for conspiracy to defraud the Government. (Bill went to the House.)

Adopted after much debate a resolution directing the Judiciary Committee to examine and report on the legality of the President's order permitting the enrollment of legal officers as Federal prohibition agents.

Debated a bill to provide refuges for migratory birds for so long a time that some Senators declared a filibuster (of unkown purpose) was in progress and signed a petition to apply cloture.

The House--

Members of the farm bloc, incensed by the defeat of the Haugen farm relief bill last week, blocked the effective working of the House, and action on a rivers and harbors bill and on a bill to raise the salaries of Federal judges was delayed.