Monday, Jun. 28, 1926
New Picture
The Social Highwayman (Montague Love, Dorothy Devore). Newspaper critics objected aggrievedly to the palpable injustices to their trade in this invention. It is not on the records that a motion picture has ever reincarnated newspaper life with decent reality. Cowboys, apaches, and residents of Newport have probably far more grievous protests. They simply lack an outlet. Critics caviled in this case because cub reporters do not write editorials under their signatures on the front pages. This cub, finally fired, won fame by capturing a highwayman by masquerading as the highwayman himself. All this in the spirit of broad farce that is always carefree and occasionally comic.
Good and Naughty (Pola Negri). The Polish star is obviously hungry for stories. In this one the plot splits early and falls apart, leaving only the most obvious recourse to door-slamming society slapstick. Miss Negri impersonates a young feminine assistant in an architect's office. Her duty in life seems to be to save one of the junior partners from an unworthy alliance with a married woman. Later the story shifts to Florida and farce runs wild. Miss Negri is less at home with heedless humor than she is with the hot cyclones of emotion.