Monday, Jul. 05, 1926
Engaged. Marion Angell, daughter of Yale President James Rowland Angell; to William Rockefeller McAlpin, of Morristown, N. J., grandson of Colonel B. B. McAlpin and grandnephew of John D. Rockefeller.
Engaged. Marcia Ann Gavit, Albany heiress of Anthony N. Brady; niece of John Palmer Gavit, famed writer of journalistic articles on education; to Charles Hervey Jackson Jr., grandnephew of one-time U. S. President Chester A. Arthur. Both now live in Santa Barbara, Calif., where Miss Gavit is a schoolgirl.
Engaged. Henry Gibson Brock, 40, freshly pardoned from the Eastern Penitentiary of Philadelphia, to Miss Margaret Burgwin, Pittsburgh heiress, fresh from Dobbs Ferry School (N. Y.). The romance was carried through prison days.
Married. Darwin P. Kingsley Jr., son of the potent president of the New York Life Insurance Co.; to Miss Heywood Mason Butler, of Rumson, N. J.
Married For the fourth time, Mae Murray, film actress, allegedly 33, to David Bivaini, 27, native of the Georgian Republic.
Married. Elizabeth White, 35, daughter of Judge John J. White, president of the Marlborough-Blenheim Hotel Co. in Atlantic City, to Dr. Daniel J. McCarthy, 51, neurologist and alienist. The bride presented 700 hotel employes with $10 gold pieces, dined them.
Married. Ermino Spalla, onetime heavyweight boxing champion of Europe, to Senorita Esmeralda Ascoli; at Rome, amid a crowd of enthusiasts.
Married. Attilio Teruzzi, Under Secretary of State for Internal Affairs in the Mussolini Cabinet, to Lillian Lorma, U. S. singer. Il Duce presented the bride with a rich jewel case; Conductor "Tito" Serafin, of the Metropolitan Opera, gave her 150 pieces of Venetian glass.
Married. Rev. Daniel Bliss, son of the late Dr. Howard Bliss, President of the American University at Beirut, Syria, and John Albert Wilson, both instructors at the University of Beirut; respectively but simultaneously to the two daughters of Rev. Frederick T. Rouse of Worcester, Mass. Winifred Rouse was principal of a preparatory school at Beirut. Mary Rouse was a medical researcher at the University of Beirut.
Sued for Divorce. Harry C. ("Bud") Fisher, cartoonist, by the onetime Comtesse Aedita de Beaumont of Paris, who married him on the Leviathan last October.
Divorced. Frieda Hempel, famed opera singer, from William D. Kahn, Manhattan patent broker, in Paris.
Died. Dr. John Howland, 53, head pediatrician of Johns Hopkins; at London, following operation.
Died. Sir Philip Burne-Jones, 64, English painter, son of an even greater painter, Sir Edward Burne-Jones, cousin of Rudyard Kipling; at London, in a nursing home.
Died. Cleveland H. Dodge, 66, President of the National Y. M. C. A., philanthropist and financier; at his home in Riverdale, N. Y.; of pneumonia.
A classmate of Woodrow Wilson at Princeton, he remained one of the few close friends of the War President until the end. He was executive head of the United War Work and Red Cross campaigns, and a leader in educational and relief work in the Near East.
Died. Charles E. Fuller, 77, second oldest member of the House of Representatives; at Rochester [Mayo], Minn., of cancer.
Representative Stedman (N. C.), 85, is the oldest member of the House, and Representative Cooper (Wis.) has served the longest (16 sessions). But boosterous news gatherers at Belvidere, Ill., home of Representative Fuller, persuaded the Associated Press to say that he was the oldest member.