Monday, Jul. 19, 1926
George Cardinal Mundelein nearly a month ago garnered the million communions he had promised the Pope in exchange for signaling Chicago as the Eucharistic sanctuary; spoke there of Abraham Lincoln.
With naive enthusiasm he announced that Lincoln was not, as some said, unfriendly to Catholicism, but that "when Father St. Cyr came to say mass for Lincoln's stepmother, Mr. Lincoln would prepare the altar himself. Indeed with his own hands Abraham Lincoln carved out six wooden chairs to be used at the mass. And if I could only find those chairs, I'd pay for them with their weight in gold."
Last week William Eleazar Barton, hoary custodian of Lincolnia, proclaimed that Father Cyr, who his Eminence declared celebrated the masses at Lincoln's stepmother's, had not yet been ordained when Lincoln left his father's home, that Sarah Bush Lincoln was not Catholic by birth and that she died in the communion of the Disciples Church, that Father St. Cyr never celebrated mass in the Lincoln abode, that if Cardinal Mundelein really wanted the six carved chairs, Dr. Barton would gladly exchange them for their weight in gold.
Showing documentary evidence in the Outlook, Dr. Barton indicated that the Cardinal had meant no harm, that he had merely confused two Abrahams of the Lincoln clan, two first cousins.