Monday, Jul. 19, 1926
Bermuda Railway
Bermuda Railway The Bermudas, isles of onions, Easter lilies, lyric grottoes and healing sunshine, has never heard the honking rattle of an automobile or the clank of a chuffing train. But Great Bermuda, the largest of the islands is 14 miles long, 1 mile wide. Hack horses and bicycles simply cannot keep up the pace, either of today's onion industry or of modern fashions in holiday-making. Last week, after a 50-year struggle with transportation, the islanders announced that they would have, not automobiles to bury the scenery in pulverized coral from the roads, but a discreet little third-rail electric railroad, linking St. George, Hamilton and Somerset Ferry. The Bermuda Railway Co. Ltd. was careful to add that its trains would have trailers, for baggage and bicycles." Die-hard Bermudans nevertheless shook their heads. "Alas," said they, "and then it will be freight cars, milk trains, grade crossings, Progress.