Monday, Oct. 04, 1926
Widow Welcomed
"President Thomas Garrigue Masaryk welcomed to Prague last week her who is the widow of President Thomas Woodrow Wilson.
Professor Masaryk remembers well that it was onetime Professor Wilson who, as President of the U. S., furthered the aspirations of Czechs and Slovaks at the peace conference, and secured recognition of the new state of Czechoslovakia by the Allies in the Treaty of St. Germain (Sept. 10, 1919).
Grateful, President Masaryk feted Mrs. Wilson at Prague last week. With him she discussed at length the recent League Assembly at Geneva which she had just attended (TIME, Sept. 20). Together they visited Wilson Park, in Prague, that Mrs. Wilson might choose the site on which Praguers will soon erect a Wilson Monument.
At last Mrs. Wilson was driven to the railway station, there to entrain for Vienna. Upon the station wall a brooding portrait is cut in high relief. The long ascetic face, the level academic brow, the expression care-worn but purposeful, are familiar to Mrs. Wilson. Pausing for a moment she commended the likeness. . . .
A few hours later Mrs. Wilson was in Vienna. There she was met by an intimate friend, Miss Eleanor McCarthy, New Orleans lumber heiress, able aviatrix.
*From an oil painting of Mrs. Wilson before she left the White House, by Seymour Stone.