Monday, Oct. 04, 1926

Mexico v. Yaqui

President Calles called upon all members of his Cabinet last week to curtail rigorously the expenses of their several departments. The State, he declared, must mobilize its every resource for the coming campaign to discipline if not extinguish the rebellious Yaqui Indians of Sonora (TIME, Sept. 27).

The President's staunch personal friend, onetime (1920-24) President Obregon, declared to newsgatherers:

"Considering the number of men the Calles Government is mobilizing and the appointment of certain generals to lead the Federals against the Indians and the modern war methods to be employed, I believe that the main groups of the Indians will be broken up within 90 days."

Later it was announced that General Obregon will himself command the 30,000 troops which the Government has announced it will send against the Yaquis.