Monday, Oct. 04, 1926
Unholy Hollywood
JARNEGAN--Jim Tully--A. & C. Boni ($2). You have seen him hauling trunks, tending bar, laying bricks, coupling freight cars, lifting circus weights, fighting in alleys; sporting diamonds, bawling from a political platform, pawing pretty girls, bouncing drunks from a night club. He is a redheaded Irishman with a chest like an oak, rumpled red hair, cracked knuckles, a throat for pints of whiskey, ears for the rumble of life. His eyes are humorous, quick, lonely. He was born in a slum, educated by existence. Perhaps he is a prison graduate, bitterly "bumped." With slight intelligence but unlimited understanding he has made his way to where you find him with help from no man. He is the dream of all his countrymen when he reaches a high place, a tornado of an Irishman to whom morals count less than a wart on a deacon's ankle. He has a fist of iron, a heart of gold, imagination.
Author Jim Tully, this kind of an Irishman himself, has spent 13 years in and around the Hollywood cinema studios. He has not become a world famous actor or director but he knows how other men have done so, shoddy rats and real geniuses alike. So Jack Jarnegan, the Hibernian superman of this story, becomes a great director and the cheap rats are drowned and smashed in torrents of abuse. It makes no polite fireside tale. The sex life of a Hibernian superman would be a thing of wonder even if he lived in Kamschatka. The Tully superman in Hollywood would stagger the Prophet. It is one of the coarsest stories since Rabelais but too terribly vivid, dramatic and shrewdly intense to be vulgar, save as Jarnegan was vulgar, to his sorrow.