Monday, Oct. 18, 1926

THE CREAM. . . .

There is no room in TIME for the second-rate, the inconsequential. The following new books are advertised here by their publishers only at the express invitation of TIME's Book Editor. Not all the good books are here advertised; but all the books here advertised are good. They are books selected from extensive lists as being of outstanding merit and interest for TIME-readers. Laudatory "blurbs" are purposely omitted, being unnecessary. Each book's mere presence in the list testifies to its excellence; each book admitted has been, or will be, descriptively reported in TIME text.

Reading these books you will partake of the cream of this season's literature.


MY SON JOHN--E. B. Dewing-- Minion Malch ($2). The progress of an incautious genius, originally traced.

KYRA KYRALINA--Panait Istrati --Knopf ($2.50). A Gorki of the Balkans.

MITYA'S LOVE--Ivan Bunin--Holt ($2). Love in old Russia.

LORD RAINGO--Arnold Bennett-- Dor an ($2). Born a commoner, buried a peer.

LESS THAN KIN--Charles Caldwell--John Day ($2). The wine of a girl's life pressed out in California.

HER SON'S WIFE--Dorothy Canfield--Harcourt, Brace ($2). Mote, beam and matriarch.

HARMER JOHN--Hugh Walpole-- Doran ($2). Cleanliness encounters godliness.

PERELLA --W. J. Locke -- Dodd, Mead ($2). Young artists married to their elders, in Florence.

EARLY AUTUMN--Louis Bromfield -- Stokes ($2). Ancestor-worship in New England, where "thoughts grow higher and fewer."

THE CHARWOMAN'S SHADOW -- Lord Dusany--Putnam ($2). Poetic alchemy in mediaeval Spain.

THE SUN IN SPLENDOUR--Thomas Burke--Doran ($2.50). London's slum man on his longest flight.

AN OLD MAN'S FOLLY -- Floyd Dell -- Doran ($2). Broken age leads blind youth.


JESUS -- MAN OP GENIUS -- J. Middleton Murry--Harper ($2.50). The interpretation of an intensely earnest experimenter.


WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW--Herbert Gorman--Doran ($5). Now it can be told.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: THE FIRST CIVILIZED AMERICAN--Phillips Russell-- Brentano's ($5). French ladies figure.

Science, History, Art

THE NATURE OF THE WORLD and OF MAN--By 16 members of the Faculty of the University of Chicago--University of Chicago Press ($4). For a knowledgeable concept of the cosmos.

THE HUMAN ADVENTURE (2 vols.): THE CONQUEST OF CIVILIZATION--James Henry Breasted; THE ORDEAL OF CIVILIZATION -- James Harvey Robinson--Harper ($10 or $5 each). Scholar-scientists on Man's history since the ooze.

ON THE TRAIL OF ANCIENT MAN --Roy Chapman Andrews--Putnam ($6). "Asia is the mother of the continents!"

THE OUTLOOK FOR AMERICAN PROSE -- Joseph Warren Beach -- University of Chicago Press ($2.50). A critical barometer in literary storm centres.

THE NEW NATURAL HISTORY -- Prof. J. Arthur Thomson--Putnam (3 vols. $18). Aims at scientific security, popular terms.

EIGHT YEARS WITH WILSON -- David F. Houston -- Doubleday, Page (2 vols. $10). A businessman reflects on Administration.

THE GANG--Frederic M. Thrasher -- University of Chicago Press ($3). A six-years', first-hand study of 1,313 crime clubs.

WHICH WAY PARNASSUS?--Percy Marks--Harcourt, Brace ($2). A mass attack on the colleges.

P: I Should bookkeepers fail, the facilities of TIME's book department are at its readers' disposal to enlarge upon or order the above, or any other, books. Inclose cash or a check to the Book Editor, TIME the Newsmagazine, Penton Building, Cleveland, Ohio, making plain to whom you wish your purchases sent.

*Seventeen years ago her first novel, Other People's Houses, arrested critical attention. A Big Horse to Ride (1911) confirmed her powers. Then she married, raised two daughters. Now she returns to writing, no whit rusty.