Monday, Dec. 27, 1926
Legislative Week
The Senate--
P: Passed immigration bill containing Senator Wadsworth's amendment to admit, in addition to the regular quota, 35,000 wives and minor children of aliens who declared their intention of becoming citizens between 1921 and 1924. (Bill went to conference.)
P: Passed appropriation bills for the Postoffice and Treasury Departments, after Vice President Dawes had eliminated a $500,000 item for Prohibition "under cover work," on point of order. (Bill went to conference.)
P: Confirmed long list of post-masters appointed by the President.
P: Passed a bill of Senator Smoot of Utah, authorizing the purchase of the Pennsylvania Avenue-Mall triangle at a cost not to exceed 125,000,000.
P: Debated Rivers and Harbors bill, adopted compromise on Great Lakes to Gulf of Mexico waterway (see below).
P: Passed unanimously a bill awarding Congressional Medal to and advancing the rank of Lieut. Commander Richard E. Byrd and Machinist Mate Floyd Bennett.
The House--
P: Passed appropriation bill of $259,386,910 for the Department of the Interior. (Bill went to the Senate.)
P: Passed, after a week's debate, the Alien Property bill which provides for the payment of the claims of U. S. citizens against Germany, not in excess of $100,000; for the payment of the claims of Germans for ships, patents and radio stations, the total not to exceed $100,000,000; for the immediate return of 80% of the German property held by the Alien Property Custodian, and for the eventual return of the remaining 20%. Most of the debate aimed to enlarge the figures of the bill; many a Representative stuffed the Congressional Record with glib, patriotic oratory. (Bill went to the Senate.)
P: Arose to applaud Representative Theodore E. Burton of Ohio on his 75th birthday.
P: Adopted a resolution declaring a Christmas recess from Dec. 22 to Jan. 3, after Representative Tilson, Republican floor leader, had conferred with Senator Curtis.