Monday, Dec. 27, 1926
Record Cabinet
For the first time in 40 years the French budget, after passing the Chamber (TIME, Dec. 6), also passed the Senate last week, before Christmas.
The Cabinet of "Sacred Union" which made such legislative speed possible is no ordinary group of 13 ministers. Aside from their major attainments as statesmen, the Premier and eight of his ministers have published books of which France has no call to feel ashamed. Premier Poincare and Minister of Justice Barthou have made history and then clapped it in scholarly fashion between covers. Foreign Minister Briand has to his credit an authoritative volume on the separation of Church and State. Books of travel, natural history and biography flow incessantly from the pen of Minister of Education Herriot, whose Madame Recamier has attained moderate sale in the U. S.* Minister of Public Works Tardieu is known for his America in Arms. The Izaak Walton of the Cabinet is Minister of Colonies Perrier, who has brought forth two books on fishing. Minister of Interior Sarraut has written much on civil government. Finally there stand on many a Parisian bookshelf two fat volumes of poems by Minister of Marine Leygues.
President Coolidge might shop long in Paris without finding a history, biography or book of poems by a member of his Cabinet. He might shop equally long in Washington.
*Bonn & Liveright, ($7.50) (Translation).