Monday, May. 02, 1927


". . . These brave and noble spirits have only been transferred from the battlefields of life to 'that glorious country where their eyes shall behold the King in His beauty.'

"Steadfast amid 'the changes of this mortal life,' they unflinchingly held aloft the standard of ideal Americanism. . . . Because of their patriotic deeds the stars of our flag shine brighter in their azure field, while their inspiring example heightens the stainless purity of its white bars and deepens its crimson stripes with the warm blood of their hearts true devotion."

Such was the prayer offered last week by Mrs. Chaplain General Matthew Brewster of New Orleans, for deceased national officers, state regents and the 2,067 death roll of the Daughters of the American Revolution, who last week held their 36th "Continental .Congress," at Washington, D. C.

Mrs. Alfred J. Brosseau, who was known to women as the retiring President General of the D. A. R. and to men as the wife of the maker of Mack trucks, sounded a warning to U. S. womanhood.

"Fine sounding phrases," said she, "emanating from the silver-tongued orators of the 'pink' variety . . . are not meeting the present world situation. . . . Instead, it is our red-blooded American citizens of the Marines and the Navy in whom we must put our trust and upon whom America must depend if she is to keep her ratio of the world's peace."

Without adequate preparedness, continued Mrs. Brosseau, the U. S. cannot maintain its position in "the big parade of life."

Applause from an audience of 5,000, the largest in D. A. R. history, answered Mrs. Brosseau. She launched into other subjects. . . . College and high-school suicides, said she, "bear testimony that some sinister force is eating into the vitals of young life."

Mrs. Anthony Wayne Cook of Philadelphia took office as new President General.

There was a D. A. R. reception by President and Mrs. Coolidge. There were speeches by Belgian Ambassador Baron de Cartier, whose wife is reputed to be the best dressed woman in Washington; and by Secretary of the Navy Curtis D. Wilbur, whose wife is an able cook. At intervals people played to the Daughters on organs, bugles, harps, xylophones. Young ladies in white frocks functioned as pages, had their pictures taken with famed Daughters. Jealous young ladies not invited to usher went about Washington calling the lucky ones "D. A. R.-lings," "patriettes."