Monday, May. 23, 1927
Members of the Association of National Advertisers, who held their 17th annual convention in Detroit last week, must decide each year when they make up their advertising appropriations, what magazines and newspapers they will use. The number and type of readers* are important factors. Bothered yearly by such problems, the National Advertisers asked O. C. Harn to give them his ideas. He is managing director of the Audit Bureau of Circulation (A. B. C.), the organization that verifies a publisher's statement of his net paid circulation. Said Mr. Harn: "Don't be afraid to buy smaller circulation if the indications are it has the right kind of patrons. To drive for larger and larger circulations is only loading you up with a burden of your own creation. Publishers do not want to perpetrate this uneconomic thing of inflated circulations, but you force them to do it when they find you select your list of newspapers solely on the factor of having the largest circulation in town."
* Last (1926) statements of the average circulations of certain U. S. weeklies were : Saturday Evening Post 2,674,343 Literary Digest 1,300,236 Collier's 1,241,925 Liberty 1,187,603 Youth's Companion 267,455 Judge 215,547 Life 139,753 Time 118,661 Outlook 64,857 Except for the Literary Digest, these figures were checked and certified by the Audit Bureau of Circulation. Present weekly circulation of TIME, approximates 137,000 copies.