Monday, Aug. 29, 1927
Riot. At the funeral of a young Jewish girl, stabbed to death and almost decapitated by one Osman Bey, who was enraged because the girl would not marry him, thousands of Jews paraded in Constantinople more in indignation than in sorrow. The anti-Turkish demonstration blocked the traffic for hours and attempts of police to control the turbulent crowd led to complete disorder. Numerous, violent clashes with the police led to the arrest of several scores of the manifestants and increased the ire of the Jewish community.
Raki. The Turkish Government decided to sell an alcoholic drink called "people's raki," despite the fact that Mohammedanism, to which religion the bulk of the Turkish nation belongs, prohibits intoxicating beverages. A concession to brew raki was given originally to a Polish group, but because the public complained that it was adulterated and caused blindness, and also because they refused to buy it, the concession was withdrawn. The new move is an attempt to provide the people with "pure stuff" at popular prices.-- Robbers. From the gaunt heights of wild Kurdistan, a mountainous district lying partly in Turkey and partly in Iraq, a bold band of brigands swooped down upon the lowland villages, terrorizing the inhabitants. Then, gathering up their loot the lusty robbers staggered back into their impregnable fastnesses. In Angora the authorities fumed, impotent.