Monday, Oct. 28, 1929
Sad Soldier
When General William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, entered heaven, he left his dynasty in the hands of his son, William Bramwell Booth. William quarreled with his sister, Commander Evangeline Cory Booth; the dynasty was endangered (TIME, Jan. 14). Last March the deadlock between Salvationists Bramwell and Evangeline was broken when the Salvation Army Council elected Edward John Higgins as General (TIME, Mar. 11 ) . Salvationists Bramwell and Evangeline had another sister, Lucy Booth-Hellberg, 61, stationed at Stockholm, where were her home and her husband's grave. Last week Lucy Booth-Hellberg, appointed to a station in South America, East, by General Higgins, sailed. Before she went she told 2,000 Salvationists meeting in London how little she wanted to go, explained that she had made her decision at her husband's grave, had written her letter of submission on his tombstone. Cried she: "My last home has been smashed up. . . . I had to leave my only child in Stockholm." Then, weeping, she went.