Monday, Jun. 28, 1954
Prepared by The Editors of TIME in collaboration with Alvin C. Eurich and Elmo C. Wilson
(Copyright 1954 by TIME Inc.)
This test is to help TIME readers and their friends check their knowledge of current affairs. In recording answers, you needn't mark opposite the questions.
Use one of the answer sheets printed with the test: sheets for four persons are provided. After taking the test, check your replies against the correct answers printed on the last page of the test, entering the number of right answers as your score on the answer sheet. For most of the 105 test questions, five possible answers are given. You are to select the correct answer and put its number on the answer sheet next to the number of that question. Example: 0. The President of the U.S. is: 1. Nixon 3. Eisenhower 5. Stevenson 2. Hoover 4. Truman Eisenhower, of course, is the correct answer. Since this question is numbered 0, the number 3--standing for Eisenhower--has been placed at the right of 0 on the answer sheet.
NATIONAL AFFAIRS McCarthy v. the U.S. Army
1. The spark which finally touched off the Army-McCarthy explosion was the Subcommittee's: 1. Investigation of Secretary Stevens' personal staff.
2. Investigation of Defense Secretary Wilson.
3. Discovery of 16 Reds in G2.
4. Treatment of Brigadier General Ralph W. Zwicker.
5. Refusal to grant Secretary Stevens access to its files. 2. Stevens countered by publicly: 1. Casting aspersions on McCarthy's war record.
2. Ordering Marine Reserve Officer McCarthy into uniform.
3. Ordering Zwicker not to testify further.
4. Denying the Subcommittee access to Fort Monmouth.
5. Refusing to testify personally. 3. The Army shortly released a 34-page report charging that Chief Counsel Roy Cohn threatened to wreck the Army unless : 1. He was admitted to West Point.
2. Special treatment were accorded an Army Private and former colleague.
3. All security files were opened to him.
4. He were given access to secret installations at Fort Monmouth.
5. President Eisenhower agreed to "cooperate better."
4. Replying to the charge, Senator McCarthy declared that the Army had:
1. sabotaged" his investagations in defense plants.
2. Tried to raid staff.
3. Knowingly employed
Communists in sensitive positions as late as February.
4. Tried to blackmail him.
5. Tapped his telephones.
5. As an afterthought, Senator McCarthy also brought charges against Assistant Defense Secretary:
1. Struve Hensel.
4. Gordon Gray.
2. Nathan Twining. 5. John Kane.
3. Robert B. Anderson.
6. Meanwhile, this TV commentator produced a devastating indictment of the Senator in a show largely made up of newsreel clips of McCarthy in action:
1. Fulton Lewis Jr. 4. John Daly.
2. Fulton J. Sheen 5. Edward R.
3. Walter Winchell. Murrow
Dramatis Personae
In the hearings staged to investigate both sets of charges, these persons figured prominently. Select from the statements below the one which best identifies each of these pictures.
1. He was accused by the Army of "docotoring a photo."
2. Overnight fame came to this Tennessee lawyer.
3. He refuse a partnership with the Chief Counsel of the Committee.
4. He defined a pixie for Senator McMarthy.
5. His draft status featureed heavily in the conroversy.
6. he tapped Stevens' Phones.
11. The issue between McCarthy and the Executive Branch was finally drawn when Ike flatly refuted the Senator's contention that:
1. Government employees could and should impart classified information to McCarthy.
2. There were still Reds in the State Department.
3. His Committee should see FBI files.
4. He could subpoena loyalty files.
5. Atomic secrets were leaking to Russia.
The Presidency
12. Early in April, President Eisenhower went to the people in an informal nationwide radio and TV appearance, in which he:
1. Outlined a new foreign policy.
2. Promised never to go to war without congressional approval.
3. Warned against runaway inflation.
4. Sought to dispel five American fears.
5. Promised to run again in 1956.
Off the Job
13. C. D. Jackson
14. Roger Kyes.
15. Joseph Dodge.
These businessmen members of Ike's team returned to private life. Which of the jobs listed did each hold?
1. Deputy Secretary of Defense.
2. Secretary of the Treasury.
3. Under Secretary of State.
4. Budget Director.
5. Cold war planner.
Thermonuclear Age
16. Almost pushed off the front pages by the McCarthy mess were new H-bomb blasts in March. Most significant thing about the first of the series was:
1. It failed to come off.
2. It cause an earthquake in Japan.
3. Its blast was three times greater than had been estimated.
4. It employed a new British formula
5. It brought on an electrical storm which raged in the Pacific for 21 days.
17. At the President's press conference, AEC Chairman Admiral Strauss told reporters the H-bomb:
1. Could destroy a Manhattan-size city.
2. Possessed by the Soviets was far superior to ours.
3. Is uncontrollable.
4. Made our air defense obsolete.
5. Could fit into an ordinary suitcase.
18. A special board found this famed A-bomb scientist loyal and discreet but still a security risk:
1. Joseph Dallet.
4. J. Robert Oppenheimer
2. Ernest Lawrence. .
3. Edward Teller.
5. Haakon Chevalier.
Foreign Policy
19. Repeated statements by Secretary Dulles on U.S. policy toward Red China indicated that:
1. We still opposed admitting Red China to the U.N.
2. The prohibition on all trade with Red China will continue indefinitely.
3.We were getting ready to recognize Red China.
4. We plan to assist Chiang's invasion plans.
5. We are determined to maintain the "Open Door" policy in China.
20. Meanwhile U.S.-British diplomatic relations grew waspish during the Geneva Conference. Chief bone of contention was Britain's refusal to:
1. Withdraw recognition from Red China.
2. Support the U.S. position opposing new elections in South Korea.
3. Negotiate a Southeast Asia defense agreement while the Geneva Conference was on.
4. Join in guaranteeing the territorial integrity of Thailand.
5.Let Australia and New Zealand send troops to Indo-China.
Administration Wins & Losses
21. After a decision by Canada that she would go it alone if necessary, Congress finally approved the:
1. Arctic defense appropriation.
2. Alaska-Canada Power project.
3. Columbia River Power project.
4. Lake Athabaska Uranium project.
5. St. Lawrence Seaway project.
22. Southern Senators ganged up to defeat a Constitutional amendment proposed by President Eisenhower which would :
1. Prohibit changing the size of the Supreme Court.
2. Lower the voting age to 18.
3. Restore Prohibition.
4. Abolish all poll taxes and property qualifications for voting.
5. Give the Federal Government ownership of tidelands oil.
23. Shelved in the Senate by a vote of 50-42 was an Administration-sponsored bill to amend the:
1. Reciprocal Trade Act.
2. Minimum Wage Law.
3. FCC Act which forbids wiretapping.
4. Taft-Hartley Act.
5. Buy-American Act.
24. In a unanimous decision which not only affected millions of American families but also had important repercussions on U.S. prestige abroad, the Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional:
1. Tariffs.
2. Bans on shipments of so-called strategic materials.
3. Subsidies on exports.
4. Segregation in public schools.
5. The McCarran immigration law.
25. The abrupt firing of Commissioner Guy T. O. Holly day -- although he was not personally involved -- preceded exposure of Washington's newest scandal:
1. Housing loans.
2. Grain storage loans.
3. Sale of TV station licenses.
4. Mink coats in the War Department.
5. RFC loans.
26. All but one of these Congressmen were shot by fanatical Puerto Ricans who invaded the House:
1. Alvin Bentley of Michigan.
2. Cliff Davis of Tennessee.
3. Ben Jensen of Iowa.
4. Percy Priest of Tennessee.
5. George Fallon of Maryland.
The Political Scene
27. Some New York State G.O.P. officials squirmed when Governor Dewey's investigation revealed they had made fantastic profits from the racket-ridden:
1. Waterfront public loaders.
2. Trotting tracks.
3. Slot machine business.
4. Highway construction program.
5. State purchasing office.
28. California's 26th District Democrats (but not National Chairman Stephen Mitchell) endorsed Jimmy Roosevelt for Congress despite:
1. His temporary defection to the G.O.P. in 1952.
2. His refusal to support Stevenson in 1952.
3. The fact that he had served in the Karl Warren regime.
4. A warning from his brother Elliot that he would oppose him.
5. His wife's accusations of adultery with a dozen women.
29. McCarthy tried to horn in on the act, but the G.O.P. chose as its spokesman to answer Adlai Stevenson's Miami attack:
1. Vice President Nixon.
2. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
3. Senator Knowland.
4. White House Assistant Sherman Adams.
5. Attorney General Brownell.
30. After investigating charges of irregularities in his 1952 election, the Senate voted to keep in his seat Senator:
1. McCarran of Nevada.
2. Kerr of Oklahoma.
3. Langer of North Dakota.
4. Chavez of New Mexico.
5. Stennis of Mississippi.
31. To run against popular Senator Cooper, Kentucky Democrats easily persuaded this political warhorse to return to the fray:
1. Happy Chandler.
2. Alben W. Barkley.
3. James F. Byrnes.
4. Lawrence Wetherby.
5. Herman Talmadge.
32. Senator Homer Ferguson's reelection chances were being hurt by unemployment in his constituency, particularly in the:
1. Shoe manufacturing industry.
2. Steel industry.
3. Shipping industry.
4. Coal mines.
5. Automobile industry.
33. Displeasing most in the dairy industry, Secretary Benson bravely announced:
1. An end to milk and butter supports.
2. A cut in dairy support prices to 75% of parity.
3. A six-month moratorium on Government butter purchases.
4. That surplus Government-held butter would be given away to certain impoverished nations.
5. That dairy prices "must seek their level in the free market place."
34. But a few weeks later he took a step in the other direction when, under the prodding of the Senators from Idaho and Maine, he announced limited Government buying of:
1. Peanuts.
2. Corn.
3. Wheat.
4. Sugar beets.
5. Potatoes.
35. In its fight for more security, organized labor in 1954 got set for a concentrated assault on a new objective:
1. $1-an-hour minimum wage.
2. Revision of the Taft-Hartley Act.
3. The guaranteed annual wage.
4.Outlawing of the injunction as a weapon in labor disputes.
5. Company-paid pensions for all employees with 20 years of service.
36. Robert R. Young waged the year's greatest proxy battle in a successful effort to gain control of this railroad:
1. Pennsylvania.
2. Chesapeake & Ohio.
3. New York Central.
4. New Haven.
5. Baltimore & Ohio.
37. To combat business recession, the Federal Government by spring had done all but one of these:
1. Cut bank reserve requirements to expand bank lending power.
2. Started feeding funds into a big public-works program.
3. Arranged financing with short-term securities rather than long-term issues.
4. Cut the rediscount rate banks have to pay to borrow from the Federal Reserve Bank.
5. Purchased short-term Government securities from the banks in open market.
38. In the first such ballot in auto history, union members voted a 5% pay cut for production workers in this automobile company:
1. Packard.
2. Chrysler.
3. Kaiser-Frazer.
4. Willys.
5. Studebaker.
39. After a searching two-year look at the economy, the Committee for Economic Development came to the conclusion that the U.S. is:
1. Rapidly recovering from a recession.
2. On the verge of a serious depression.
3. Due for another ten years of prosperity.
4. Now socialistic.
5. Virtually depression-proof.
Directions: Items 40 through 53 appear in pairs. The first of each pair relates a person to one of the countries pinpointed on the map. For these items write on the answer sheet the numberof the country correctly locating the person described.
40. His tough-minded handling of Red rioters as Interior Minister was a prelude to his Premiership here.
41. The program he introduced was notable for including:
1. Nazi-Fascist labor legislation.
2. A plan to outlaw the Communist Party.
3. Welfare projects which even the Left would be embarrassed to oppose.
4. A drive to regain lost colonies.
5. Closer ties with Soviet Russia.
42. Reckless and costly "human sea" attacks finally overwhelmed his gallant band here.
43. His conquerors, the forces of:
1. Cambodia. 4. Laos.
2. Viet Minh 5. Thailand.
3. Viet Nam.
44. After weeks of infighting, he won over General Naguib, became this nation's new strongman Premier.
45. His power seizure was followed by all but one of these:
1. Calling off of scheduled elections.
2. Naguib's nervous breakdown.
3. A mob attack on the Chief Justice.
4. Arrests of his principal opponents.
5. An invitation to Farouk to return.
46. His release here ended a five-year political asylum.
47. His once-powerful leftist party, now shattered and outlawed, was the:
1. Red Flag. 4. APRA.
2. White Flag. 5. Sons of Toil.
3. Descamisado.
48. She made a last-minute decision to stay with her defecting, ex-spy husband in sanctuary here.
49. Diplomatic repercussions which followed included severance of relations with this country by:
Red China.
The U.S.
Russia. 50. In a significant deviation from the line of his predecessor, he acknowledged here that war with H-bombs would destroy world civilization.
51. His name: 1. Georgy Malenkov.
2. Vyacheslav Molotov.
3. Chou Enlai.
4. Nikita Khrushchev.
5. Andrei Vishinsky. 52. He was sacked for openly attacking his government's policy.
53. He attacked policy on: 1. The European Army.
2. A United States of Europe.
3. Sale of the Suez Canal to Egypt.
4. Recognition of Red China.
5. Mutual aid pact with Russia.
Berlin Conference
54. At Berlin the Big Four Foreign Ministers failed to agree on their No. 1 problem:
1. Disarmament.
2. A Korean settlement.
3. The Polish-Russian boundary.
4. Uniting Germany.
5. International monetary rules.
55. First grave break in the West's ranks at Geneva came on the Indo-China problem when Britain favored:
1. French withdrawal.
2. Naming India as arbitrator.
3. Partition of the country.
4. Use of the atom bomb against the Reds.
5. Admission of Viet Minh to the U.N.
56. The Viet Minh stalled the peace talks by demanding that any settlement in Indo-China also include the rebel governments in:
1. Thailand and Burma.
2. Malaya and Angkor Wat.
3. Tibet and Nepal.
4. Java and Celebes.
5. Laos and Cambodia.
57. In the House of Commons, Churchill argued for "substantial relaxation" of:
1. Trade restrictions between Russia and the West.
2. Currency controls.
3. Controls over food production in Britain.
4. British film censorship.
5. Political "name-calling" in Britain.
58. To hasten French ratification of the European Army, the U.S. promised to:
1. Furnish all needed aircraft.
2. Keep troops in Europe while a threat to the area exists.
3. Provide training facilities in the U.S.
4. Permit U.S. troops to serve under French officers.
5. Adda billion dollars to MSA funds for France.
59. In an astonishing proposal Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov asked that:
1. Russia be admitted to NATO.
2. The next U.N. Assembly session be held in Moscow.
3. The U.N. work out plans for world disarmament.
4. Russia be allocated territory in Africa.
5. The Pope mediate East-West differences.
The Middle and Far East
60. Premier Nehru demanded that U.S. members of the U.N. cease-fire mission in Kashmir be called home. Reason was his pique over U.S.:
1. Military aid to Pakistan.
2. Discriminatory immigration laws.
3. Failure to increase funds for technical assistance in India.
4. Warnings that the Kashmir issue must be settled this year.
5. Refusal to side with India in the Kashmir dispute.
61. Hard-bitten Dictator Adib Shi-shekly, deserted by his army, was forced to resign as President of:
1. Lebanon.
2. Jordan.
3. Iran.
4. Iraq.
5. Syria.
The first letter of each correct answer below spells out an eleven-letter word that has recently been in the news. You get one point for each answer and one for the meaning of the word.
62. Jurist who led newsmen on a 178-mile hike.
63. Jordan raiders were accused of massacring civilians here.
64. A $150,000 museum to house his memorabilia was opened in Abilene, Kans.
65. His off-the-record remark that if there were no other recourse the U.S. would have to send troops to Indo-China made world headlines.
66. Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer.
67. Code name of 1952 H-bomb explosion.
68. Globe-circling monarch.
69. Thanks to men like him, theology is becoming an exciting topic again.
70. An amateur, he finished the Masters Golf Tournament just a stroke behind golfdom's two top pros.
71. Red leader of Indo-Chinese rebels.
72. Mau Mau terrorists' threat to kill Britain's Queen restricted her visit here.
73. The word spelled out is:
1. France's new Premier.
2. The island scene of latest U.S. H-bomb tests.
3. Indo-Chinese fortress taken by the Reds.
4. Name of Egyptian archeologist.
5. Newly discovered ancient Inca capital.
The Hemisphere
74. High point of the Inter-American Conference at Caracas, from the standpoint of the U.S., was the battle over and passage of a resolution:
1. Designating San Francisco as the site of the next meeting.
2. Providing for joint action against Communist infiltration in the hemisphere.
3. Condemning seizure of private property without compensation.
4. "Deploring" Argentine justicialism.
5. Favoring a "Parliament of the Western Hemisphere."
75. Soaring prices and roaring protests followed the 31% devaluation of the peso in:
1. Cuba. 4. Bolivia.
2. Venezuela. 5. Mexico.
3. Panama.
76. "Disturbing," said President Eisenhower when reports from Guatemala told of:
1. Arrival of a huge arms shipment from behind the Iron Curtain.
2. A bloody purge of the middle class.
3. Civil war between Communist and fascist sympathizers.
4. Armed raids across the border into Honduras.
5. Arrival of a Soviet military mission.
77. In the guise of Sadakichi Hartmann's biographer, Gene Fowler writes of Barrymore, Fields and other once-rollicking Hollywood musketeers in:
1. The Woman in the Case.
1. Pictures from an Institution.
3. The Man Who Never Was.
4. Minutes of the Last Meeting.
5. The Devil's Daughter.
78. It is the informal and gifted conversationalist--not the abstruse philosopher--that Boston's Lucien Price has caught in Dialogues of:
1. John Dewey.
2. William James.
3. Alfred North Whitehead.
4. Arnold Toynbee.
5. Paul Tillich.
79. The Fire-Raisers, a first novel by Marris Murray, is an impressive story about the "sickness" of:
1. Russia. 4. Puerto Rico.
2. Nazi Germany. 5. New York City.
3. South Africa.
80. Scholars came from all over the world to attend the year-long series of conferences and convocations staged to celebrate the 200th anniversary of:
1. Harvard.
2. Princeton.
3. Yale.
4. Columbia.
5. University of Virginia.
81. Traffic accidents involving school children have dropped 35% in 25 years, largely because of the:
1. Increase in cops.
2. School Safety Patrolmen.
3. Revised traffic laws.
4. Stricter enforcement of bicycle-riding regulations.
5. Decline in the use of bicycles.
82. A most timely book written by Little Rock's Arkansas Gazette Editor Harry S. Ashmore, which summarizes the results of a long investigation carried out by 45 scholars, is:
1. Loyalty of College Professors.
2. Financing the Schools.
3. Better Schools.
4. Education in America.
5. The Negro and the Schools.
Art and Entertainment
83. Voted the best picture of the year in the Academy Awards, this film also picked up seven other Oscars:
1. The Moon Is Blue.
2. Roman Holiday.
3. From Here to Eternity.
4. Shane.
5. The Pickwick Papers.
84. A whole galaxy of stars competes fiercely for attention in this adaptation of Cameron Hawley's bestselling novel about big business locked in a grim struggle for power:
1. Executive Suite.
2. Yankee Pasha.
3. It Should Happen to You.
4. The Final Test.
5. A Place in the Sun.
85. A significant and encouraging development in the theater during the last season was the fact that plays like The Golden Apple, Bullfight and Madame, Will You Walk had successful New York runs despite:
1. Universally bad reviews.
2. The absence of big-name stars in the casts.
3. Picketing by stage unions.
4. Amateur direction and production.
5. Low-cost productions in off-Broadway theaters.
86. Roars of outrage from opponents of modern architecture greeted the proposal to build a Frank Lloyd Wright house:
1. In Williamsburg, Va.
2. On the Boston Common.
3. On the Grand Canal in Venice.
4. In Seville opposite the Cathedral.
5. In London's Trafalgar Square.
87. "His name will remain supreme and his achievement immortally revered," wrote Critic Olin Downes in the retirement of this great musician:
1. Charles Munch.
2. Arturo Toscanini.
3. Leopold Stokowski.
4. Dmitri Mitropoulos.
5. Igor Stravinsky.
88. An earlier verdict that he "was about washed up" was reversed when Frank Sinatra got a bestseller for eleven straight weeks in his recording of:
1. Love Affair.
2. I've Got the World on a String.
3. They Didn't Believe Me.
4. Young at Heart.
5. Why Didn't You Tell Me?
89. Started as a British TV drama, moved on to long, successful runs on the London stage and Broadway, and now made into a first-rate movie is:
1. The Country Girl.
2. Catch a Thief.
3. The Cobweb.
4. Dial M for Murder.
5. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.
90. Top Pulitzer Prize for the most "disinterested and meritorious public service rendered by a U.S. newspaper" during 1953 went to:
1. Long Island's Newsday.
2. New York Daily News.
3. New York Times.
4. New York Herald Tribune.
5. St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
91. About as unlike as two metropolitan dailies could be, these two newspapers were merged in one of the biggest newspaper deals in U.S. history:
1. New York Times and Herald Tribune.
1. Chicago Tribune and News.
3. San Francisco Chronicle and News.
4. Los Angeles Times and Daily News.
5. Washington Post and Times-Herald.
92. On the second Friday in August, TIME Inc. will bring out a new weekly magazine devoted to:
1. Politics.
2. Home life.
3. Religion.
4. Education.
5. Sports.
Radio & TV
93. General Foods celebrated its 25th anniversary with a 90-minute TV extravaganza recreating the "great moments" from the musicals of:
1. Schubert.
2. Gilbert and Sullivan.
3. Rodgers and Hammerstein.
4.Richard Strauss.
94. Except for rare ones, TV quiz shows have a definite audience ceiling. The rarest of the rare ones is You Bet Your Life, featuring:
1. Fred Allen. 4. Arthur Godfrey.
2. John Reed King. 5. Martha Raye.
3. Groucho Marx.
Science and Medicine
95. The "Mouse," which Maryland Physics Professor Fred S. Singer hopes the U.S. will be the first to achieve, is:
1. An interplanetary bomb.
2. A squeaky radio signal which drowns out undesired broadcasts.
3. A space rocket capable of transporting 100 persons to the moon.
4. An unmanned satellite on an earth-circling orbit.
5. An atomic power plant for commercial purposes.
96. Far more efficient than other photoelectric devices is the new battery demonstrated in the Bell Telephone Laboratories which directly converts electrical energy from:
1. Uranium. 4. Cobalt.
2. The sun. 5. Radio waves.
3. Salt water.
97. The strange, monstrous "bevatron" slowly coming to life on Charter Hill above Berkeley, Calif, is the world's greatest:
1. Telescope. 4. Magnet.
2. Microscope. 5. Weather-predicting instrument.
3. Camera.
98. Chief reason why the once-broad stream of foreign scientists bringing their ideas and knowledge to the U.S. has almost run dry is:
1. U.S. Government no longer employs them.
2. Higher salaries for scientists abroad.
3. The fact that all of them are Communists.
4. The fact that Russia is attracting most of those who wish to move.
5. The McCarran Act.
99. In his readable and frightening book, The Challenge of Man's Future, Geochemist Harrison Brown states that the chief barrier to population control in the world is:
1. Fear of the hydrogen bomb.
2. Higher standards of living.
3. Political dictatorships that depend upon high birthrates.
4. The Roman Catholic Church and its doctrines against contraception.
5. The enormous increase of mental disease.
100. For weeks this spring thousands of Britons flocked into a London arena to be converted by U.S. Evangelist:
1. Father Divine. 3. Billy Sunday.
2. Norman Vincent Peale. 4. Ralph Sockman.
5. Billy Graham.
101. Although it lacks the dramatic effectiveness of the Lutherans' successful Martin Luther, a new 77-minute semi-documentary tells the story for another denomination in the life of:
1. Pope Pius I. 2. John Calvin.
3. John Wesley. 4. Roger Williams.
5. Mary Baker Eddy.
102. Shy, gangling British Medical Student Roger Bannister achieved an "unattainable" record long dreamed of by runners, the:
1. Four-minute mile.
2. One hundred meter dash.
3. Eight-second hundred yard dash.
4. Sixty-second quarter mile.
5. Two-minute half mile.
103. Jockey Ray York booted home this winner of the 80th Kentucky Derby:
1. Hasty Road.
2. Correlation.
3. Determine.
4. Native Dancer.
5. Dark Star.
104. Only U.S.-built car that can challenge in classic road-racing the Ferrari and Lancia of Italy, the Jaguar of Britain, and the Mercedes-Benz of Germany, is the:
1. Stutz. 4. Fordillac.
2. Studillac. 5. Lincoln.
3. Cunningham.
105. "Fastest Since Feller" is the label being applied to the Baltimore Orioles' burly young righthander:
1. Bob Porterfield. 4. Allie Reynolds.
2. Vic Raschi. 5. Paul Pettit.
3. Bob Turley.
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