Monday, Jun. 24, 1957


Ranged against the President and the Republican and Democratic leadership in the Senate roll-call vote on foreign aid last week were 18 Democrats and eleven Republicans. The roll call of naysayers:


Arkansas' John McClellan, Delaware's J. Allen Frear Jr., Georgia's Richard B. Russell and Herman E. Talmadge, Louisiana's Allen J. Ellen-der and Russell B. Long, Mississippi's James O. Eastland and John Stennis, Nevada's Alan Bible, New Mexico's Dennis Chavez, Oklahoma's Robert S. Kerr, Oregon's Wayne Morse, South Carolina's Olin D. Johnston and Strom Thurmond, Virginia's Harry Flood Byrd and A. Willis Robertson, and Wyoming's Joseph C. O'Mahoney. Paired against the bill: North Carolina's Sam J. Ervin Jr.


Delaware's John J. Williams, Idaho's Henry C. Dworshak, Indiana's William E. Jenner, Nebraska's Carl T. Curtis, Nevada's George W. Malone, North Dakota's Milton R. Young, Ohio's John W. Bricker, and Wyoming's Frank A. Barrett. Paired against the bill: Arizona's Barry M. Goldwater, Nebraska's Roman L. Hruska, North Dakota's William Langer.

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