Vol. 135 No. 16
A Tough Guy's Toughest Fight
Lee Atwater battles a tumor
American Notes AIR FORCE
Bait and Switch On Stealth
American Notes GOVERNORS
Heading for The Exit
American Notes TAXES
The Ultimate Penalty
American Notes TREASURE
Going for The Gold
Doing The Right Thing
Muslims have become a welcome force in black neighborhoods
Environment's Little Big Bird
Scrubbing The Skies
After thirteen years of frustration the Senate finally strikes a deal to clean the air -- but business lobbies and environmentalists are still fighting
The Morning Line
The odds on leaders likely to fall next
The Political Interest
The Free-Trade Hypocrisy
The Ultimate Fall Guy
Once again, Poindexter takes the hit for Iran-contra
Britain Time for Maggie to Move Over?
Tax riots, inflation and a shaky economy shred Thatcher's popularity and prompt voters to think of life without her
China No Smiling -- It's Subversive
Facing the anniversary of the democracy movement, authorities go to ludicrous lengths to quench "bourgeois liberalization"
Diplomacy A Hurry-Up Summit
Despite Lithuania and strategic-arms talks that have hit some snags, the Bush-Gorbachev meeting is pushed up to May 30
Middle East Stumbling Toward Armageddon?
Iraq's threats against Israel heat up a region that keeps growing more dangerous, even as the superpowers back away from unstinting support for their respective allies
Next To Break from the Pack?
Estonia is on a more cautious collision course with Moscow, but for Mikhail Gorbachev, the gauntlet has been thrown down
The Alternative Is Dictatorship
World Notes AUCTIONS
A Taste of Czardonnay
World Notes BELGIUM
Commoner for A Day, or Two
World Notes BRITAIN
"Explosion Of Evil"
World Notes NEPAL
Battle Royal In Katmandu
Arson Aboard A Star?
"New Window on the Universe"
With an unclouded view of the most distant stars, the sharp-eyed Hubble telescope will be able to look far back into time
Can We Really Understand Matter?
The Ultimate Quest
Armed with giant machines and grand ambitions, physicists spend billions in the race to discover the building blocks of matter
Petite Payloads
Pegasus puts into orbit the first of a new class of small satellites
Getting Young and Old Together
A growing number of U.S. programs forge links between the ages at a time when social patterns tend to separate them
New York City, U.S.A. Shrugging Off The Homeless
(American Scene)
The nation's toughest urbanites lose patience with the down-and-out
Newsroom Homophobia
A survey and book examine coverage of gay issues
Carping Over The Catechism
Americans criticize a Vatican text on church teachings
Grab Your Goggles, 3-D Is Back!
Eye-popping realism gives new life to an old craze
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 135 No. 16 APRIL 16, 1990
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 135 No. 16 APRIL 16, 1990
A Blueprint for Reform
Japan pledges to open up, but will the trade gap really close?
Business Notes AUTOMOBILES
The Boss Says Buy
Business Notes GOODWILL
Made Just For Him
Business Notes HOLLYWOOD
Honesty! What A Concept!
Business Notes TECHNOLOGY
Big Blue's Tiniest Logo
Business Notes THRIFTS
Take This Job And Do It!
GM Gets Itself A Car Guy
Robert Stempel will take over the top job in August
Money Angles
It's Not Easy to Be Short
The Proxy Punch-Out
Corporate raiders are using some old-fashioned tactics to spar with management
Waging War on the Greeks
Fraternities and sororities are being forced to clean up their acts
Approach of A Desolation Angel
Sinead O'Connor is current pop's most haunting, unlikely star
Cries of The Beloved Country
Critics' Choice
(Critics' Choice)
Funny Girl
Home Is Where The Venom
Is Domestic life takes a drubbing in TV's anti-family sitcoms
Romance, Mostly Misguided
Where Fantasy Teases Reality
A show explores the whimsical world of Jean-Michel Folon
A Musical Pilgrim's Progress
MICHAEL TILSON THOMAS conducts like a sprightly Ichabod, arms flapping, legs skittering. The audience is unusual too; it's all ears
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Why Lithuania Is Not Like South Carolina