Vol. 136 No. 17
A Man of Many Parts
American Notes INSURANCE
Crime Pays, After All
American Notes REPARATIONS
A National Apology
American Notes TRAVEL
Down-to-Earth Fun
American Notes WASHINGTON
Shrinking Target
Blowing Off the "Bubble"
Coldest Mogul of the Week
Coolest Mom of the Week
Digging Out, Looking Back
One year after the killer quake, the San Francisco area is still repairing the damage -- and facing big bills
Heavy Surveillance And Cheese
Housecleaning Time?
Widespread revulsion over the budget debacle has incumbents running scared -- and blurring their ties to Washington
I'Ll Hold Your Coat . . . Manny?
Let's Lighten Up on Those Flesh Tones
Like Father, Like Son?
Newtspeak For Neophytes
Read My Hips
Bush's flip-flops add new confusion to the budget battle and raise doubts about his domestic leadership
Tactful Encomium of the Week
True Confession of the Week
Why Coalitions Fail
Declaring an end to ideology may seem like a good idea, but in the fight over the deficit it backfired
Anatomy of A Tragedy
Who's to blame for the Jerusalem clash?
Arms Control Two Tales of Skulduggery
As the world worries about Iraq's nuclear desires, Brazil and Pakistan illustrate why proliferation is mushrooming
Germany A Mountain of Moles
Prosecutors uncover growing evidence of just how Bonn was undermined by East German espionage agents
The False Analogy
The Middle East Saddam's Lucky Break
The Temple Mount killings give Iraq a fresh pretext to link the takeover of Kuwait with the frustrated Palestinian cause
The Need to Negotiate
A former President argues that it is time now to think about peace talks and that King Hussein should play a major role
World Notes CAMBODIA
Fancy Footwork
World Notes ITALY
Better Left Than Red
World Notes POLAND
Better Late Than Never
Hatred's Just Reward
Who Needs the Hubble?
A new generation of telescopes may do the job from the ground
Comeback Time For Coffee
Let's have another cup and straighten this out
From The Asylum to Anarchy
Shameful indifference to the plight of the mentally ill has left many of them wandering the streets and crowding the jails
Time Magazine Contents Page
Vol. 136 No. 17 OCTOBER 22, 1990
Time Magazine Masthead
Vol. 136 No. 17 OCTOBER 22, 1990
Texas Beef, Tokyo Flavor
Business Notes AUCTIONS
What Am I Bid For the Slick?
Business Notes CRIME
Milken on Trial, Sort Of
Business Notes LAWSUITS
By George, He Had It
Business Notes PATENTS
Snap Decision, 14 Years Later
Cold Feet on the Dance Floor
With Britain joining Europe's monetary club, the partners may squabble even louder about how closely to embrace one another
How I Got That $1 Million Story
A young reporter cashes in on tales of shenanigans in the suites
Not A Sure Thing
S&Ls and banks aren't the only institutions in trouble. Failures in the insurance industry could boost the cost of policies for almost everyone.
Schooling Kids at Home
A controversial movement grows bigger as parents revolt
Making War on WAR
An Alabama civil rights advocate invokes liability doctrine in a bid to drive a California race-hatred monger out of business
Blood Bonds
Horns of Plenty
At 29, New Orleans-born trumpeter Wynton Marsalis is inspiring a youthful renaissance of America's greatest musical tradition
Critics' Voices
(Critics' Voices)
Little Snake
Queen of The Ice Age Romance
The best-selling adventures of Ayla and Jondalar continue in Jean Auel's latest epic
Upstairs And Downstairs at MOMA
A survey of the intersection of art and popular culture gets gridlocked
When Sunny Gets Blue
A Pair of Lifesavers
(Nobel Prizes)
Pioneering physicians who made transplants a reality MEDICINE
Wide Horizons
(Nobel Prizes)
Mexico's poet-critic-humanist LITERATURE
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Can America Stand Alone?