Monday, Nov. 05, 1990

Calling Dr. Pons

Before anyone jumps to conclusions, there is probably an innocent explanation for the fact that Stanley Pons has dropped out of sight, hiding his whereabouts from the press and his employers. Granted, the University of Utah chemist has been under pressure since March 1989, when he and British colleague Martin Fleischmann said they had created fusion in a jar. Skeptical scientists doubted that the pair had tamed the sun's power source -- at room temperature. The complaint was not just that they had announced their discovery at a press conference rather than in a scientific journal but also that no one else had been able to replicate the experiment.

Pons' disappearance comes just as the state of Utah is trying to decide whether it should continue to support a cold-fusion laboratory on which the state has already spent $5 million. And it hardly helps that there are reports that Pons' phone has been disconnected and his Salt Lake City home put up for sale. But Pons is not totally out of touch: last week he requested a one-year sabbatical by having his lawyer send a fax to the university. If he ever surfaces, he will no doubt be able to explain what he has been doing and set suspicious minds to rest.