Vol. 151 No. 14
Mother Of The Accused
Gretchen Woodard tells TIME of her son Mitchell's troubles and his version of the Jonesboro massacre
Day Of Deliverance
Clinton enjoys a victory lap when the judge tosses out the Paula Jones case. But Ken Starr isn't going away just yet; he has never cared much about Paula, or politics...
"It Was In The Best Interest Of The Country"
Hale Storm Rising
Did the king of the Clinton haters funnel cash to Kenneth Starr's chief Whitewater witness?
What Paula Has Taught Us
This Arkansan has expanded our vocabulary and animated our politics
Meanwhile, Back In Arkansas...
The Strange Case Of The Spy In The Winnebago
Did an underperforming spook get revenge for his firing by giving away secrets he remembered?
Don't Try This At The Office
Emily's Little Experiment
A fourth-grade science project debunks therapeutic touch, but doesn't explain why it sometimes works
Paula, We Hardly Knew Ye
Health Report
(Health Report)
Middle East
(The Scoop)
Israelis Fear a New Wave Of Bombings Is Imminent
(The Scoop)
JonBenet's Parents Talk, If Only in a Limited Way
Topic A
(The Scoop)
New Questions For Hubbell
My, How You've Grown!
J.J. the whale, a 10-ton foster child, is returned to her real home in the sea
To Our Readers
O Baby, Baby
"Questa notte senza fine!" sings the father, weeping
McCain's Big Deal
Harsh words, strewn chairs and tobacco's lost G.O.P. friends mark a difficult negotiation
Exporting Death
A Great Name in IRAs
Everyone loves the Roth, but is it for you?
A Peek At The Promised Land
(The Arts / Cinema)
Will DreamWorks' first animated feature be a Zion King? See for yourself
Close Encounters
(The Arts / Art)
Throughout his career, Chuck Close has focused on faces. What he shows is more than skin deep
When O'Casey Met Scorsese
(The Arts / Theater)
Martin McDonagh's dark Irish plays have created a sensation. Not bad for a kid from London
Oh No, Is It Him, Babe?
(The Arts / Books)
Bootlegging Dylan's life, a novel casts its hero as a scraggly haired, harmonica-playing folk singer
Prodigal Mom
(The Arts / Books)
Rockers, spelunkers and a runaway mother
With An Aria In His Heart
(The Arts / Music)
Now Michael Bolton is belting out opera hits
Angst with Sugar on It
(The Arts / Music)
Natalie Imbruglia topped Britain's charts. Today she's their hottest export since the Spice Girls
The Power Of Character
(The Arts / Cinema)
Foreign films that win the Oscar are easy to overlook. Not this one
Our Century...And The Next One
(Time 100)
Theodore Roosevelt
(Time 100)
With limitless energy and a passionate sense of the nation, he set the stage for the American century
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
(Time 100)
Driven by ideological zeal, he reshaped Russia and made communism into a potent global force
Margaret Sanger
(Time 100)
Her crusade to legalize birth control spurred the movement for women's liberation
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(Time 100)
He lifted the U.S. out of economic despair and revolutionized the American way of life. Then he helped make the world safe for democracy
The Presidents: History's Judgment
(Time 100)
Eleanor Roosevelt
(Time 100)
America's most influential First Lady blazed paths for women and led the battle for social justice everywhere
Adolf Hitler
(Time 100)
The avatar of fascism posed the century's greatest threat to democracy and redefined the meaning of evil forever
Winston Churchill
(Time 100)
The master statesman stood alone against fascism and renewed the world's faith in the superiority of democracy
Four Of The Century's Greatest Speeches
(Time 100)
Mohandas Gandhi
(Time 100)
His philosophy of nonviolence and his passion for independence began a drive for freedom that doomed colonialism
David Ben-Gurion
(Time 100)
Part Washington, part Moses, he was the architect of a new nation state that altered the destiny of the Jewish people--and the Middle East
Mao Zedong
(Time 100)
His ruthless vision united a fractured people and inspired revolutions far beyond China's borders
Ho Chi Minh
(Time 100)
He married nationalism to communism and perfected the deadly art of guerrilla warfare
Martin Luther King
(Time 100)
He led a mass struggle for racial equality that doomed segregation and changed America forever
"What If King Had Lived?" And Other Historical Might- Have-Beens
(Time 100)
Ayatullah Ruhollah Khomeini
(Time 100)
Brazenly defying the West, he revived Islam's faithful and authored a new form of religious government. The prescriptions were often chilling
Margaret Thatcher
(Time 100)
Champion of free minds and markets, she helped topple the welfare state and make the world safer for capitalism
Ronald Reagan
(Time 100)
He brought Big Government to its knees and stared down the Soviet Union. And the audience loved it
Mikhail Gorbachev
(Time 100)
By gently pushing open the gates of reform, he unleashed a democratic flood that deluged the Soviet universe and washed away the cold war
The Unknown Rebel
(Time 100)
With a single act of defiance, a lone Chinese hero revived the world's image of courage
Lech Walesa
(Time 100)
Poland's brash union organizer stood up to the Kremlin and dealt the Eastern bloc a fatal blow
Nelson Mandela
(Time 100)
As the world's most famous prisoner and, now, his country's leader, he exemplifies a moral integrity that shines far beyond South Africa
Pope John Paul II
(Time 100)
The most tireless moral voice of a secular age, he reminded humankind of the worth of individuals in the modern world
The Shape Of The Future
(Time 100 / The Shape Of The Future)
A new century awaits, and with it new conflicts. ENVIRONMENTALISM will press against GLOBALIZATION, and the world will have to confront the power of TRIBALISM and the challenge of FUNDAMENTALISM
Into The Woods
(Time 100 / The Shape Of The Future)
Once dominated by fringe activists, environmentalism is now an essential element of political reform--especially in the developing world, where the destruction of nature threatens to widen the gap bet
Get Rich Quick
(Time 100 / The Shape Of The Future)
What will define life most in the next century? The global economy. The machinery of globalization is already integrating financial systems, dismantling territorial frontiers--and bringing people clos
Raising Hope
(Time 100 / The Shape Of The Future)
The ideological divisions that plagued the 20th century may have disappeared, but new fault lines have been drawn in their place. The most explosive one: ethnic conflict. The dissolution of nations in
God's Country
(Time 100 / The Shape Of The Future)
Throughout the world, religious fundamentalism has established itself as a major political force. To adherents, fundamentalism offers a moral refuge from the vulgarities of the secular, modern world.
Great Women, Bad Times
(Time 100)
Feminism made huge strides in this century, but women around the world still have a long road ahead
Time Warp
(Time 100)
Milestones Of The Century
(Time 100)
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