Monday, Jun. 07, 1999


By Harriet Barovick, Autumn DeLeon, Michelle Derrow, Tam Gray, Daniel Levy, Lina Lofaro, Anne Moffett, David Spitz and Chris Taylor

12 to 13.5 billion Estimated age of the universe as revealed last week by the Hubble space telescope, in years

20 billion Previous high-end estimate for the universe's age, in years

$74 trillion Amount the universe would lose in Social Security payments by being 8 billion years younger, at an average of $9,240 per year

38 New shows premiering this fall on the six major broadcast networks, unveiled last week

29 Number of those shows that don't have any minority actors in their casts

2 Number of those shows that feature a minority actor in the lead role--both on UPN

$6.5 billion Amount of advertising dollars spent on pre-buys for the fall season

17 Number of climbers' bodies--including George Mallory's--discovered on a single face of Mount Everest recently between 27,000 ft. and the summit

150 Total number of climbers believed to have died on Mount Everest

Sources: Hubble Space Telescope Key Project Team, Social Security Administration, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Mountain Zone, AP