Vol. 156 No. 26
Big Bucks and Baseball
The idea of overpaying for an athlete's services didn't start with A-Rod, and it won't end with him
The Real Millennium
Another Downed Osprey Has Marines Defensive
(The Military)
Verbatim 2000
Election 2000 Your Final Exam
Hillary Promises to Tell All! Publishers Quake!
On the Alert Again for Millennial Mayhem
The Year In...
Eyes on History
Year of the Survivor
Plus, Live From The Plaza--Jewel!
Darva, George Pataki, Dr. Laura and Bobby Knight explain the year for us
Christmas with Tevye
How my family bonded at the multiplex
Striking Out
TheMan.com sounded like a good idea. No more
Score One For AOLTW
A wary FTC approves the AOL-Time Warner merger and attaches some strings
Praying For Santa
Retailers will need a last-minute holiday rush to boost their sluggish Christmas sales
Setback For Vouchers
A federal appeals court rules that Cleveland gives parents too few alternatives to parochial schools
The Twelve Films Of Christmas
(The Arts / Holiday Cinema 2000)
This year Hollywood has some "feel good" films to leaven the serious ones that traditionally emerge, with eyes on Oscar, at year's end. There are even a few that make our critical Scrooges almost feel
Upstairs, Downstairs
(The Arts / Theater)
The score sinks the book in Broadway's Jane Eyre
The Long Arm Of The Past
(The Arts / Books)
Robert Wilson's A Small Death in Lisbon turns a local murder case into a taut international thriller
Summing Up Greenspan
(The Arts / Books)
In two looks at the Fed chairman, too little insight
In Full Revolt
(The Arts / Music)
Rage Against the Machine pays homage to its heroes
David Mamet
(The Arts / Q&A)
TV Under the Tree?
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Our 11-year-old wants a television for Christmas. Unless Santa stages a coup, she won't be getting one--and neither will her younger siblings. We can think of a million reasons why. Here are 10
Recession Proof
(Personal Time / Your Money)
The economy's braking fast, so here's how you can make the most of any leaner times ahead
Holiday Bake-Off
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
You'll find plenty of cooking sites on the Web, but they don't all pass the cinnamon taste test
Stressed-Out Kids
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Children and teens seem more anxious today than they were 50 years ago. What you can do
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Money)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Person Of The Year
(Person Of The Year 2000)
The wildest election in our history revealed a nation split so evenly that it took a controversial intervention by the Supreme Court to settle the issue. But now there is one immutable fact, one that
Home On The Range
(Person Of The Year 2000)
The Bush ranch is the way he likes to see himself--rugged and thoroughly Texan
Can Bush Bring Us Together?
(Person Of The Year 2000)
It was a strange, troubling ride to victory, and it could get bumpier. How will the new President heal the wounds--and tame the Congress?
Down By Law
(Person Of The Year 2000)
Handed a puzzling ruling, the networks showed us what they learned on election night: nothing
Can the Court Recover?
(Person Of The Year 2000)
Its controversial decision ended the election tangle but brought the high court as low as it has been in years
Learning Curve
(Person Of The Year 2000)
The campaign changed George Bush. Did it change him in ways he needs for Washington?
Bush Speaks
(Person Of The Year 2000)
Frank talk about his priorities, race, wrong ideas about him, and Al Gore
How Bush Hires
(Person Of The Year 2000)
Drawing heavily on his Dad's Rolodex, Bush recruits dogged loyalists
At Last His Own Man
(Person Of The Year 2000)
We learned more about Al Gore after the election than we ever knew before
The Great Spin Machine
(Person Of The Year 2000)
You have just witnessed a lab experiment in how bad it can be
"Get Me Boies!"
(Person Of The Year 2000 / Runners-Up)
He helped contest this election, beat Microsoft and win a reprieve for Napster, thus becoming a symbol of the Lawyering of America
Gene Mapper
(Person Of The Year 2000 / Runners-Up)
The bad boy of science has jump-started a biological revolution
DNA Alley
(Person Of The Year 2000 / Runners-Up)
The Magic Of Potter
(Person Of The Year 2000 / Runners-Up)
J.K. Rowling's wizardry turned on a new generation to that old technology, the wondrous printed word
Class of 2000
(Person Of The Year 2000 / People Who Mattered)
A Florida custody case--over a boy, not ballots--roiled the nation. A college dropout's neat idea changed an industry. And a First Lady achieved a spectacular first. Meet the men, women and children w
The 2000 TIME Current Events Quiz
(Year In Review)
What happened in 2000? Test your knowledge of the news and trends as reported in the pages of TIME FACES IN THE NEWS/THE YEAR IN ARTS/WHO SAID IT?/AROUND THE WORLD/NAMES & NUMBERS/SIGNS OF THE TIMES
Save The Last Dance For Me
(Person Of The Year 2000)
Francis Collins: DNA Helmsman
(Person Of The Year 2000 / Runners-Up)
Yes, We'll Survive
(Person Of The Year 2000)
One of Bush's sassiest Texas critics gives two cheers for her old nemesis
"Harry Is an Old Soul"
(Person Of The Year 2000 / Runners-Up)
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