Monday, Apr. 02, 2001
7 Steps To A Buff Presidential Bod (In 4 Years Or Less)
By Kathleen Adams, Melissa August, Randy Hartwell, Ellin Martens, Sora Song and Joel Stein
Say what you will about George W. Bush, the man does a serious workout. He is a fitness fanatic even on the road, as these photos taken during the campaign show. While he was Governor, Dubya's favorite place to throw the steel around was the University of Texas gym, overseen by strength and conditioning coach Jeff (Mad Dog) Madden. "He showed up in a full sweat," for a 60-to-90-min. regimen with "a lot of dumbbell work--an athlete's workout," says Mad Dog. And what focus. While a gunman outside 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue was taking potshots at the People's House, Bush soldiered on, "working out in the residence," reported press secretary Ari Fleischer at the time. With his training equipment installed in the White House, the President takes time nearly every day to feel the burn. We asked Fleischer to get details of the regimen from the Boss himself. Americans can sleep at night knowing our leader can kick any other leader's butt.