Monday, Apr. 30, 2001


By Kathleen Adams, Melissa August, Randy Hartwell, Ellin Martens, Jodie Morse, Joseph Pierro, Alex Smith and Sora Song

21 Percent rise in U.S. public-transit ridership between 1995 and 2000

11 Percent rise in highway travel over the same period

61,000 Items, worth a total of nearly $70 million, found missing from the Immigration and Naturalization Service during an audit

539 Weapons listed in the report as missing, including six guns later linked to crimes

125 Employees of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Co. who have submitted claims of work-related carpal tunnel syndrome since March 2000

18 Number of those unknowingly tested for genetic defects by the company after turning in their claims

22 million Number of people who passed through Ellis Island between 1892 and 1924

8 million Visitors to the Ellis Island website in its first few hours of operation; 85% were turned away after the site nearly collapsed

Sources: Washington Post, Associated Press, Newsday, USA Today