Vol. 157 No. 20
When The Evidence Lies
Joyce Gilchrist helped send dozens to death row. The forensic scientist's errors are putting capital punishment under the microscope
A Change in The Weather On the Way?
(The Death Debate)
Botching The Big Case
Missing documents surface, McVeigh's execution is delayed, and the FBI is left scrambling to explain its latest fiasco
The People V. Timothy McVeigh
(Inside The Case)
In Defense of Justice
Sure the FBI blew it, but Ashcroft made good
RX For Nosebleed Prices
Washington goes after drug companies and their tricks that keep generic remedies out of the hands of cost-conscious consumers
Ah, The Blue Smell Of It!
Synesthetes who mix up their senses and the scholars who study them cross paths to compare notes
Closing In On Cancer
No magic bullet yet, but the drugs are getting smarter
Why Gleevec Got Approved
(Medicine / Leukemia)
Can Gays Switch Sides?
An inflammatory report rekindles old arguments about whether homosexuality is a matter of choice
Plunging Pantlines
(Trend Alert)
To Pet Or Not To Pet?
More tourists are getting up close and personal with dolphins. But the stress for the animals can be fatal
Scourge Of The Playground
It's dodge ball, believe it or not. More schools are banning the childhood game, saying it's too violent
Movies Into Musicals
(Trend Alert)
The Battle Of Seattle
An exclusive preview of the game consoles being readied by Nintendo and Microsoft
L.A. Sparks Come Up With a Bright Idea
(The Bleachers)
That's Dr. Bon Jovi
My Day with the Stanley Cup
A Farewell To Arms?
Bush's Judicial Picks Could Be a Battle Boyle
(The Bench)
Would You Buy Insurance For This Man?
News Quiz
(News Quiz)
Then & Now
So The Little Lady Turns To Me...
When In Gnome
The Terrible Tide Of Blood
In the Aqsa intifadeh, hatred runs at full flood
Waste Not, Want Not--Not!
Conservation is for wusses. Dubya's boys believe that thrift is un-American
Power Struggle
Bush takes the heat for an energy policy that's warm to oil and cool to conservation
Are We Getting Gouged?
(Coping With Gas Pains)
Schools That Stretch
(Time Education Special / Schools Of The Year)
We searched America for educational pioneers. They have one trait in common: great expectations
Like A Free Private Academy
(Time Education Special / Elementary Schools Of The Year)
WINNER The Accelerated School/Los Angeles A charter school challenges inner-city kids with tough coursework--and engages them with art and yoga
Pooling Their Knowledge
(Time Education Special / Elementary Schools Of The Year)
RUNNER-UP CAL Elementary School/Latimer, Iowa In a farming area where the population is shrinking, a tiny school thrives by teaming with a neighbor
"Let Them Lift Us Up"
(Time Education Special / Middle Schools Of The Year)
WINNER Hand Middle School/Columbia, S.C. It took a devoted community of friends, neighbors, teachers and preachers to spark a revival at this school
Wired For The Future
(Time Education Special / Middle Schools Of The Year)
RUNNER-UP Towns Middle School/Hiawassee, Ga. On their laptops, rural kids explore faraway volcanoes, learn math formulas and turn in homework too
Pulling In The Parents
(Time Education Special / High Schools Of The Year)
WINNER Stonewall Jackson High School/Manassas, Va. Moms and dads need to lend a hand because the curriculum at this school is not for wimps
From Worst To First
(Time Education Special / High Schools Of The Year)
RUNNER-UP Fox Tech High School/San Antonio, Texas A school's remarkable turnaround shows that failure, even in the toughest of places, is not inevitable
When Parents Drop Out
(Time Education Special / Education Special Report)
Too many harried moms and dads have been playing hooky, but schools are luring them back
Overdoing It?
(Time Education Special / Education Special Report)
In Cold Blood, Part 2
(The Arts / Hollywood)
Hollywood has another murder mystery as police hunt the killer of a former TV star's vilified wife
(The Arts / Music)
The group's gone electronic. The singer's gone Hollywood. Is this the band's end? Nah, it's a new beginning
James Ellroy Confidential
(The Arts / Books)
He has a new novel on a wide canvas, but with the same old bite
History as Gutter Journalism
(The Arts / Books)
Monstrously Good
(The Arts / Cinema)
The hero's an ogre and the princess can be almost as gross in the delightfully fractured fairy tale Shrek
A Ballad for All Times
(The Arts / Books)
John Henry Days brilliantly contrasts the rhythms of a grassroots legend and modern-day hype
A Knight's Tale
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Brian Helgeland
Pasquale's Nose
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Michael Rips
Let's Get Lost
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Terence Blanchard
Conspiracy, HBO, May 19, 9 p.m. E.T.;
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Anne Frank, ABC, May 20 and 21, 9 p.m. E.T.
Close Encounters
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Is it wrong to buck the trend and have kids back to back? And if you do it anyway, can you cope?
Don't Cash Out
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Pink slipped? Ouch. Avoid taking the money from your 401(k). It's tempting but too taxing
Control Freak
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Can one little universal remote tame a whole houseful of gadgets and gizmos? Mine can
Can the Juice!
(Personal Time / Your Health)
If your kids drink too much sweet stuff, they will miss essential nutrients--and put on pounds
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Money)
In Brief
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Secrets to a Long and Happy Sex Life
(Time Bonus Section / Generations)
Move over, Joy of Sex--a new wave of sex primers advises the mature among us on how to make love
Not By Viagra Alone
(Time Bonus Section / Generations)
Betting the Ranch
(Time Bonus Section / Generations)
Since that's just what many Americans don't want to do, long-term-care insurance may be the next big issue for boomers
A Matter of Medium
(Time Bonus Section / Generations)
Writer Jules Feiffer recalls the forces that redirected his career
Read the story