Monday, Jul. 30, 2001
By Harriet Barovick, Ann Marie Bonardi, Beau Briese, Rhett Butler, Christina Lewis, Ellin Martens, Benjamin Nugent, Ryan Schick, Heather Won Tesoriero, Kadesha Thomas
RUSH LIMBAUGH Power surge: mega-dittos, mega-dollars, with eight-year, $250 mil contract. Still radio's big man
SENATOR BILL FRIST G.O.P. lawmaker-doctor takes lead in crafting deal on stem-cell research. Will George follow?
U.S. MARSHALS They finally get their man. Ira Einhorn, Philly fugitive on the lam since '81, shipped home
DICK CHENEY Power snafus.Wants Navy to pay electric bill; Dems want to shine light on his energy panel
OTIS THOMAS Pastor who alleged daughter's affair with Condit recants. Sin: Filling tabloids in vain
FBI Loads of G-man laptops and guns found missing. One more headache for incoming chief