Vol. 163 No. 17
How To Fix Our Intelligence
The CIA and FBI desperately need to be reformed to deter the next 9/11. But are they and the Administration willing to change?
Did Clinton Do Enough?
(The 9)
4 Dots American Intelligence Failed To Connect
What the FBI Needs--and Doesn't Need
The agent who blew the whistle on pre-9/11 complacency shares her Rx
Shifting Power
The Bush Administration backs a U.N. diplomat's plan for handing over control of Iraq. But stopping the violence is still America's job
Chalabi's Fall From Grace
(The Exile)
The Tragedy Of Tar Creek
Superfund was created to ensure that America's toxic-waste dumps got cleaned up. An inside look at one of its failures
The New Baby Boom
Older kids have too many other things to do, so children's museums are now targeting toddlers
One For The Books
A new public library by REM KOOLHAAS is surprising and bold. It comes just in time for the troubled architect
Gaza: A Deal, A Hit
A Thaw In The Legal War On Terrorism?
Search Me
The Marriage Of Gluttony And Sport
Inflation Makes A Comeback
Wake Up And Smell The Garlic
Dirty Driving In The DVD Age
55 Years Ago In TIME
John Kerry's Silent Spring
Table of Contents
(Table Of Contents)
The Making of the TIME 100
(Table Of Contents)
The Trouble with Apologies
Why won't Bush say he's sorry? Think of what the response would be
When Execs Go Temp
It started with clerical and factory workers. But here's why the preference for short-term workers now extends to the most highly skilled employees
The Way We Live Now
Two satires on the quotidian miseries of middle-class existence, one set at home, the other at work
Goddess of the Geeks
Tina Fey, she of the bruising punch lines, revisits the pain and suffering of high school in Mean Girls
The Bill Comes Due
Tarantino's killathon ends on a pensive, emotional note. But folks still get buried alive and blown away
The Charm of Africa
A Scottish law professor who writes best-selling detective tales set in Botswana. What gives?
How to Play Inflation
Yep, prices are going up. But here are some clever ways to invest as they do
The Home-Buying Information Gap
Charitable Giving Gets a Youthful Spin
Shoot, Click, Share
Sending digital photos to friends can be a pain. Three new services can help
A Video Game That's A Real Dancing Machine
Lost? Check Your Phone
Statins for Blindness?
Anticholesterol drugs may protect the retina. Here's what you need to know
Sleep Matters
Global Smoke
Virtual Scans: Not Quite There Yet
Foodies Gone Wild
(Time Bonus Section May 2004: Generations)
Want to take a favorite baked treat from your kitchen to the supermarket aisles? It ain't easy, but lots of food lovers are doing it. Here's what you can learn from their business ventures
At Last, It's My Time!
(Time Bonus Section May 2004: Generations)
A new book examines the joys of aging creatively
Sipping in Sicily
(Time Bonus Section May 2004: Generations)
When it comes to Sicilian wines, Alice Feiring has a predilection for the lesser-known varietals
Ask Francine
(Time Bonus Section May 2004: Generations)
Inside Table of Contents
(Time Bonus Section May 2004: Generations / Inside Table of Contents)
The People Who Shape Our World
(Time 100)
Our list of those whose power, influence or moral example touches the lives of all of us, right now
George W. Bush
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Radical Gambler
Abu al-Zarqawi
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Letter from an Islamic Terrorist
Wu Yi
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Goddess of Transparency
Condoleezza Rice
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
The Power of Proximity
Vladimir Putin
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Not a Man to Be Trifled With
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Voice of a New World
Hu Jin Tao
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
The Common Touch
Kim Jong Il
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Self-Confidence With Nukes
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Turkey's Builder of Bridges
Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Unlikely Peacemaker
Kofi Annan
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Problem Solver
Bill Gates
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Billionaire Philanthropist
Luisa Diogo
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Advocate for Africa
John Kerry
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
A Solemn Unifier for the Democrats
Toshihiko Fukui
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Japan's Greenspan
Osama bin Laden
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
The Base of Terror
The Clintons
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Politics of Conversation
John Abizaid
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Soft-Spoken Soldier
Ali Husaini Sistani
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
The Mullah to See
Pope John Paul II
(Time 100 / Leaders & Revolutionaries)
Pointing the Way To Reconciliation
The Google Guys
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
Seek and You Shall Find
Warren Buffett
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
The Wizard From Nebraska
Michael Dell
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
From College Dorm to Tech Powerhouse
Carly Fiorina
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
Inventing a New Hewlett-Packard
John Browne
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
Global Green Oilman
Rupert Murdoch
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
They Watch His Every Move
Howard Schultz
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
Selling Latte to the Masses
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
TV as a Powerful Wind of Change
Azim Premji
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
Making Outsourcing In
David Neeleman
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
Making Flying Human Again
Hiroshi Okuda & Fuji Ocho
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
Toyota's Tenacious Twosome
Daniel Vasella
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
Physician Turned Global CEO
Belinda Stronach
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
From Boardroom to Politics
Bernard Arnault
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
Emperor of Luxury
Abigail Johnson
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
What Would You Do With $893 Billion?
Sepp Blatter
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
Soccer's Beset Boss
Lee Scott
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
Walking in Mr. Sam's Footsteps
Lindsay Owen-Jones
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
Dreams of Beauty
Meg Whitman
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
Host of eBay's Passionate Party
Steve Jobs
(Time 100 / Builders & Titans)
The Fountain Of Fresh Ideas
Charlie Kaufman
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Hollywood's Idea Man
Nicole Kidman
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Acting's Adventurer
Jerry Bruckheimer
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Blockbuster Producer
Ferran Adria
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Gastronomic Innovator
Nicholas Hytner
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Shaking Up Theater
J.K. Rowling
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Reading's Gentle Pied Piper
Frank Gehry
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Designing Out of the Box
Norah Jones
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Calming Voice in a Frenzied Pop Age
Hideo Nakata
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
The Ring Master
Simon Cowell
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Picking Our Winners
Aishwarya Rai
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Bollywood's Beauty, Crossover Catalyst
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Uniters, Not Dividers
Mark Burnett
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
The Guru of Reality Television
Sean Penn
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Necessary Actor
John Galliano
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Fashion Forward
Katie Couric
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Morning Companion
Bruce Nauman
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Artist Behind the Enigmas
Guy Laliberte
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Revolution Under the Big Top
Ken Kutaragi
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Gutenberg of Video Games
Peter Jackson
(Time 100 / Artists & Entertainers)
Lord of the Cinema
Julie Gerberding
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
The Health-Crisis Manager
Eric Lander
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
Unraveling the Threads of Life
Bernard Lewis
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
Seeking the Roots of Muslim Rage
Edward Witten
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
The World in A Superstring
Hernando de Soto
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
Unlocking the Riches of the Poor
Samantha Power
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
Voice Against Genocide
Bjorn Lomborg
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
Green Contrarian
Sandra Day O'Connor
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
Good Sense, Swing Vote
Joschka Fischer
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
European Without Being Anti-American
Niall Ferguson
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
Theorist of Liberal Imperialism
Linus Torvalds
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
The Free-Software Champion
Steven Pinker
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
How Our Minds Evolved
Louise Arbour
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
Empathetic Judge
Jong-Wook Lee
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
Health Watchdog
Paul Ridker
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
The Inflammation Response
Woo Suk Hwang & Shin Yong Moon
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
Adventures in Cloning
Jurgen Habermas
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
The Sage of Reason
Tariq Ramadan
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
Modernist or Extremist?
Jeffrey Sachs
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
Jill Tarter
(Time 100 / Scientists & Thinkers)
Waiting for ET's Call
Shirin Ebadi
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
For Islam and Humanity
Lance Armstrong
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
A Commitment To Winning
Tiger Woods
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Ignore the Whispers. He'll Be Back
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Rock Star on a Mission
David Beckham
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Soccer's Metrosexual
B.K.S. Iyengar
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Bringing the East to the West
Mel Gibson
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Passionate Art From the Gut
Evan Wolfson
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Gay Marriage as a Civil Right of Our Times
Bernard Kouchner
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Angel of Mercy
Arthur Agatston
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Doc with the South Beach Diet
John Bogle
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
The Investors' Advocate
Queen Rania
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Helping Tradition Meet Modernity
Bill Belichick
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Not as Dull as He Seems
Yao Ming
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Giant on the Court. He Sends Cards Too
Dalai Lama
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Teaching Us to Be Neighbors
Paula Radcliffe
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
You Gotta Believe
Arnold Schwarzenegger
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Only-in-America Capitalist Charm
Oprah Winfrey
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Talk-Show Inspiration
Nelson Mandela
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
He Has Never Stopped Learning
Aung San Suu Kyi
(Time 100 / Heroes & Icons)
Unbearable Choices
Being No. 101
(Time 100)
What kind of person just missed the cut?
The Quarter-Million-Dollar Man
Martha, Take Note
Tall, Attractive And Separated
Oh, the Humanity!
Read the story
An Appreciation