Thursday, Aug. 02, 2007
237 Number of reasons people cite for having sex, according to a new University of Texas at Austin study. Reasons include "It seemed like good exercise" and "The person was a good dancer"
4% Percentage of U.S. adults who have never had sex
8 million Number of Iraqis, nearly a third of the population, who are without water, sanitation, food and shelter. NGOs in Iraq say a humanitarian crisis there has gotten worse since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003
$37.4 billion U.S. federal funding for Iraqi reconstruction. As of May 2007, nearly all of it had been spent
$770 Amount a Chengdu panda-breeding center used to spend every month to clean up nearly a ton of panda droppings a day
300DEGC Temperature at which the dung is sterilized under a new plan to use it for profit. It's then made into odor-free souvenirs like Olympic-theme panda statues
2,819 Number of Cubans who have been successfully smuggled into Florida by boat so far this fiscal year, vs. 3,076 in all of FY 2006
89% Percentage of illegal entrants from Cuba who arrive in the U.S. by land through Mexico or Canada instead of making the 90-mile trip by boat; 9,296 Cubans entered by land this fiscal year through July 26
Sources: Yahoo News; AP; CNN (2); AP (2); Reuters (2)